Friday, August 13, 2004

Elettori indecisi

Un sondaggio realizzato da Associated Press e Ipsos dà alcuni suggerimenti interessanti:

Overall, just over a third of registered voters can be described as 'persuadables' – weak supporters of Bush or Kerry plus those who do not side with any candidate. [Quelli che dichiarano esplicitamente che "potrebbero cambiare idea" sono al 9%.] Demographically, persuadable voters resemble registered voters, although with a slightly greater tendency to be under 30, non-white, and neither fundamentalist nor born-again Christian. While they are somewhat difficult to pin down demographically, their outlook on several key issues places them closer to the Democrats than Republicans. For instance, persuadables:
  • Say the country is headed down the wrong track (64%).
  • Disapprove of Bush's handling of the economy (56%) and other domestic issues (61%).
  • Prefer Democratic (49%) to Republican (37%) control of Congress
However, they are divided on Bush’s overall job performance (46% approve, 51% disapprove), and his handling of foreign policy issues and the war on terrorism (51%-47%). In addition, while most persuadables say they voted in the 2000 election, they (84%) are somewhat less
likely than registered voters overall (93%) to say it is very likely they will vote in the 2004 election.